"St. Francis is a pretty small parish, but we give One Percent every year because I know how important it is for seminarians to graduate as debt-free as possible."
The Rev. Dr. Marti Dalby, T'06; Vicar, St. Francis Episcopal Church, Heber Springs, AR
Parishes and seminaries need each other.
Parishes require skilled clergy in order to thrive - and seminaries depend on parish support to educate future clergy. Through our 1% for Theological Education Fund, parishes of every size support seminarians' critical expenses, ensuring that the School of Theology can meet parishes' need for strong leadership.

Why 1%?
First established by a 1982 resolution of the General Convention, the 1% Fund for Theological Education exists at each accredited Episcopal Seminary to receive gifts from parishes and dioceses of the Episcopal Church in recognition that, "it is the responsibility of the whole Church to maintain an effective program of theological education." The Convention thus resolved that: parishes, missions, and dioceses "shall give annually at least 1% of its net budgeted disposable income to one or more of the accredited Seminaries."
We know that parish budgets are complex and faith-driven endeavors. Each line item tells a story about what your community values and believes in. We would be honored to share 1% of your story.
We believe in theological education and our mission is to train future Church leaders who are devout, learned, and useful - who will leave Sewanee to serve parishes just like yours.
By committing as little as 1% of your annual parish budget to support seminarians at The School of Theology, you put your faith in action and help us develop clergy and lay leaders who know the power of strong community, are adept at navigating our rich liturgical tradition, have a strong foundation in preaching and pastoral care, and are creative thinkers and administrators.
A parish with an annual budget of $150,000 could designate as little as $1,500 (1%) and help offset the costs of rent, health insurance, or a summer CPE program for a seminarian.
The 1% Fund is where your financial gifts given in faith support our mission of formation that will lead the Church into the future.
What exactly does the 1% Fund support?
Your parish gift directly aids seminarians by:
- providing spiritual direction and counseling services for students and families
- supplementing funding for need-based and merit scholarships
- supplying emergency assistance to students in financial distress due to unforeseen circumstances
- supporting other services that are essential to seminarians' spiritual, emotional, and financial well being