Read. Think. Write.

The School of Theology is first and foremost a residential graduate school with a rigorous academic focus. Lectures and seminars are important, but it’s the way that one engages with one’s coursework that really counts. We expect students to read, to think, and to write while here. 

Some of our classes are lecture style, and so there'll be 30 people in a room with a professor. But that being said, you can expect them to be fairly intimate and interactive. The faculty will invite questions and encourage you to respond to what you're hearing in the lecture. Then there are the seminar courses: in some ways, these are the most fun because there will be a handful of students gathered around a table with a professor. Having read several documents that are primary sources, or maybe having read an important book in a discipline, the group will wrestle with that text, debating with each other to emerge with a greater understanding than if they were reading by themselves.

It is our hope that people read, think, and write while at the School of Theology. But we hope that they read, think, and write with each other while they're here, and it's that collective work that is really important to what we do.

In addition to a general track program, the School of Theology offers concentrations in the following areas: 

The Sewanee Experience