Yea, Sewanee's Right!

We are thrilled that you will be joining our community. Here are some next step items for your attention.


Now that you have officially deposited we’ll be turning you over to The Rev. Dr. Deborah Jackson, associate dean for community life. Dean Jackson will be the one coordinating your arrival and orientation to seminary life. Questions you might have prior to, or about, your coming to Sewanee can be directed to her at or 931.598.1655. You will begin to hear from her regularly sometime around mid-May, 2023. 


If you've not already taken the admissions survey, please take a few moments to fill it out. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.


In the spring you'll be receiving a notification from Sandra Brock, coordinator of academic affairs, that an address has been created for your student account. This will be the official means of communication with the university so you will want to set that up as soon as possible. It will be important for you to begin regularly checking your Sewanee email account.

Health and Safety

More information regarding immunization record requirements will be distributed by Dean Jackson closer to the start of your program.  Please watch your email. 

HEALTH Insurance

All students will be required to show proof of health insurance prior to the start of each semester. Students have a wide variety of options for health insurance to choose from. This document contains updated information regarding health insurance.


Students in all degree programs are required to provide notification to the School when outside scholarships have been awarded. You can forward notification of scholarship awards to Questions can be directed to 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Domain soon.
Ecce quam bonum! 


Now that you're a new student it's time to get to know some of the faculty and staff. If you have questions, these folks can help.

Who's Who?

The Very Reverend James F. Turrell, Ph.D.

Dean Turrell is Vice Provost & Dean of the School of Theology, and the Norma and Olan Mills Professor of Divinity. He will be welcoming you upon your arrival.

The Reverend Deborah Jackson, D.Min.

Dean Jackson is the Associate Dean for Community Life will be your new point of contact here at the School of Theology and will be able to help answer your questions as you prepare to transition to life on the Domain. You'll be able to reach her by email ( or phone (931.598.1655).

Sandra Brock

Sandra Brock is the Coordinator of Academic Affairs. Contact Sandra ( for any questions regarding registration for classes or class schedules.

Not sure who to contact?

If you're not sure who to contact, you can email and we'll make sure your message gets where it needs to go. EQB!

Live Together In Unity