The Center for Religion and Environment is dedicated to helping individuals and churches embody a “deeper shade of green.”

We believe that a surer foundation of theology, spirituality and church practice would go far in creating revitalized communities of faith that embrace a vibrant and energized response to the call to care more deeply for creation.

Deep Green Church work calls for reimagining the very center of church life:

  • How can we proclaim a gospel of good news to all creation and not just to people?
  • How can we celebrate the redeeming work of God that heals the whole earth?
  • How can we order our community lives to offer hospitality and welcome to all God’s creatures?
  • How can we enjoin a kinship with creation beyond our stewardship of creation?
  • How can we join in justice for all living things and align our lives accordingly?

For more on the concept of Deep Green Church, download and read this article, by Jerry Cappel (available by permission from the Sewanee Theological Review) Deep Green Church

If you would like more information about the Center’s work on Deep Green Church, please contact the Rev. Jerry Cappel at