New EfM Books Policy Begins in 2022-2023

Beginning this year, EfM will provide printed and e-book editions of the current EfM Reading and Reflection Guide (Volume B: Living Faithfully in a Multicultural World in 2022-2023) to all active participants, mentors, trainers and diocesan coordinators. Mentors will be provided with the required texts they need to facilitate the curriculum. Participants will obtain the required reading and interlude texts at their own cost.

Participants may obtain their texts in the new or used format of their choice, from any vendor or source. We encourage enrollees to comparison shop and to consider borrowing books from a library or past participants if the cost presents a challenge.



Year One: Two texts

·       A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, 3rd ed. by John J. Collins

·       The Hebrew Bible: Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives edited by Gale Yee

Year Two: Two texts

·       Introducing the New Testament, 2nd ed. by Mark Allan Powell

·       What Are Biblical Values?: What the Bible Says on Key Ethical Issues by John J. Collins

Year Three: One text

·       Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch

Year Four: Four texts

·       Theology: A Very Short Introduction by David Ford

·       Mysteries of Faith by Mark McIntosh

·       The Christian Moral Life: Practices of Piety by Timothy F. Sedgwick

·       My Neighbor’s Faith: Stories of Interreligious Encounter, Growth, and Transformation edited by Jennifer Howe Peace, Or N. Rose, and Gregory Mobley

 All Years: Interlude Texts for Volume B (2022-2023)

·       Reading the Bible from the Margins by Miguel A. De La Torre

·       Healing Our Broken Humanity by Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Graham Hill